Our women meet periodically for 6-8 week Bible studies - usually twice per year. Please check the church calendar or send an email to crosspointewv@gmail.com for further information about upcoming Bible studies!
Our women have gathered for a ladies Christmas tea, craft night, and Saturday morning prayer and fellowship times. There is an active push to encourage mentoring and friendship among the ladies. We are blessed with some wonderful women who serve in this ministry.
Sandra Peterson has a wonderful mom's group called Mother's Growing in Grace - or Mom's GIG for short. Please check this out! It is a wonderful time for women to enjoy time together. They meet at our sending church, Good Shepherd Baptist, located at:
162 Tiger Lane Scott Depot, WV 25560
Meetings take place most 1st and 3rd Wednesday Mornings from 9:30-11:30 am, September through May. Please e-mail crosspointewv@gmail.com for more information.